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18 Major Attunements

13 Activable Attunements for Self and Others

Permanent Initiations to Awaken Healing Energies

"First Light" utilizes a form of energy that is said to be of Tibetan origin.  When it was first being manifested to this plane of reality, it was said that its essence vibrated Sun-like in its color and how it felt.  Later a Sanskrit word was attached to its energies - 'drisana' and has the translation of "the daughters of the sun." 

After working with drisana for several years, I noticed it’s original focus changed into something different; hence there was a name change calling it "First Light". "First Light" is more intuitive and interactive than its predecessor, 'drisana'.  "First Light" energies seem to be from a time before there was a place known as Tibet.  I have found that using "First Light" consistently can have dramatic shifts at all levels of your being - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Working with "First Light" energies is different than with other energy systems in that the "First Light" energy --

Can be programmed to optimize its effectiveness

Become more effective and powerful with usage

Helps connect the individual to other energies and guides

Works with the individual to create more inspired ways to be used

Works independently of any religion or belief system

"First Light" is an initiation in which you receive powerful energies that you can then access at any time for yourself or others by mentally directing the flows, which mean no visualization, complex symbols, mantras, etc.

In technical terms, "First Light" works by directly accessing the star tetrahedron shaped energy fields surrounding our six incarnational centers (also known as the six permanent atoms).  Our physical body, chakras, aura, etc. are but manifestations of these fields. This class will delve into these matters on a surface level only as one does not need to learn such matters to utilize the tremendous healing abilities of "First Light".

Originally, "First Light" was given to students in three waves, over a two or three day workshop. This class was restructured to be self-contained in a one day workshop.

The first wave introduced the student to the Guardians of the "First Light", (often seen as benevolent angelic presences). It also laid the foundation to receive the rest of the "First Light" Energies.

The second wave stabilized the body, to receive the higher attunements, as well as gave the student the ability to 'run'  "First Light" energies on themselves.

The third wave finalized the energy, setting the power 'nodes' and activated the ability to 'run' "First Light" energies on others.

Levels:  1
Symbols: No Symbols Used
Prerequisite: None

Course Fees Include

* A detailed Manual of the Course (e-mailed to you).
* A Certificate of Completion (e-mailed to you).
* Lineage: The spiritual line of the teachers back to the founder of the system.
* Distant Initiation / Attunements of the Course sent energetically with Love.
The initiations sent by the Master - Teachers of Reiki University are the most powerful since all systems have been upgraded to a new advanced healing level so that they can be the most empowering they can be!
* A Healing Attunement sent energetically one day after the Initiatory Attunements for Personal Cleansing, Healing and Empowerment.  Clears the charkas and the energy channels and addresses our specific personal needs.
* A complete Healing Session which is sent energetically seven days after the Initiatory Attunements for the integration and assimilation of the course. This beautiful energy session is personal and it grounds the power and wisdom of the Self. It harmonizes and balances your energy on all levels. It is a very relaxing and rejuvenating personal energy cleansing and energy healing sent with much light and LOVE. 


Price: 145 €